Description: This area is on the north side of Cedar Canyon, just below the rim of the Markagunt Plateau. There are no ski trails here. Most routes follow unplowed dirt roads and summer hiking- biking trails. While access and snow conditions are not the best, there are some great uncrowded and possibly wild opportunities here. This is one of the most unused, unappreciated ski areas on Cedar Mountain.
Snow Conditions: These routes all start on relative lower elevation south facing slopes. The season here starts later and ends earlier than the places above the rim. The snow crusts up and melts off rather quickly at the beginning of the routes, but the routes (and here is the secret) quickly lead over the edge of the canyon onto more north- and east-facing slopes. Fight the bad snow for a ½ mile or so to find some really nice stuff.
Elevations: Crystal Spring pull-out 8,878 ft. (2706 m) SUU Mountain Center Parking 8100 ft. (2469 m) Highpoint above Crystal Springs 9432 ft. (2875 m) Low Point SUU Road 7627 ft. (2325 m)
Access: The two main parking areas for access to this area are the SUU Mountain Center parking (SR-14 mp 11) at a large privately owned and maintained lot which is usually plowed, but is for use by permission only. The best access is from the Crystal Spring pull-out (SR-14 mp 13-14): A small spot (3 or 4 vehicles) usually plowed within a few days after a storm.
Snowmobile use: The SUU road and vicinity is on private property and is closed to snowmobiles. The upper part of the area around Crystal Spring is open to snowmobiles, but is seldom used.
Suggested Routes: SUU Road is six miles long and nearly flat with some nice views into and across Cedar Canyon. It is usual to ski out as far as you wish and return on your own tracks. However, it could be used as a way out, on a one way trip down from Crystal Spring, using the Blowhard summer bike-trail (very difficult). The best routes in this area are the ones around Crystal Springs. Take the unplowed Crystal Spring road up from the pull-out, over the ridge, and into the meadows around Crystal Spring, then follow the Blowhard trail up to the clearings under the power lines and climb up until the easy stuff ends.
Do not use the information on these pages as your only source for planning or travel. Winter recreation in a wild environment can be dangerous, especially in backcountry or off trail situation.