Description: The Gooseberry Area I define as the area south of SR-14, from the summit just west of the junction with SR-148 to Deer Hollow Winter Recreation Area. The topography and natural history of the area is similar to D.H.W.R.A., but open to and used by snowmobiles. There are dozens of old logging roads, skid trails, and clear-cuts left over from intense logging operations in late 60s, but with a few feet of snow most of the damage is covered up and you are left with a great place for exploration.
Snow Conditions: Excellent--at least as good as Deer Hollow. Because of some of the highest elevations (near 10,000 feet) and a consistent northeast aspect, the snow accumulates quickly and melts of slowly. The season here goes from mid-December to as late as June).
Elevations: The lowest elevations (about 9600 ft.) are at the southeast end near SR-14, and gently ascend northwest to 10,350 ft. (3154 m) at Gooseberry Point (the highest point in Kane County).
Access: This area can be accessed by any of the pull-outs and parking areas along SR-14 between the Bristlecone pull-out (mp 14) and Deer Hollow Winter Recreation Area (mp 23). The snowmobile parking area on the southern end of SR-148 is the most reliably cleared.
Snowmobile use: Heavy snowmobile use near the highway, especially around the SR-148 parking area. To the southwest (away from the highway), snowmobile use tapers off to moderate.
Suggested Routes: Ski toward the low saddle a ½ mile southwest of SR-148 South parking area or a 1/4 east of the Bristlecone pull-out, climb up the steep draw (skins may needed) . From the top of the saddle, head south to FS-1635 then go straight west about a quarter-mile through the open meadows to the rim of the mesa (as far as you dare go), then south (bushwhacking is required) for a couple hundred yards to Gooseberry Point for a great views, including Zion National Park and the headwaters of the Virgin River. From here return to SR-1635 and you can go back the way you came, or continue east following the forest roads and skid trails to an “easy” way back down to the meadows along SR-14. It is also possible to ski all the way down into the Deer Hollow Winter Recreation Area.
Do not use the information on these pages as your only source for planning or travel. Winter recreation in a wild environment can be dangerous, especially in backcountry or off trail situation.