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Description: Top down or bottom up, this area has lots of relief (nearly 1400 feet). Unplowed summer roads and a lot of open meadows, aspen glades, and dense evergreen forests provide a  smorgasbord of loops, “wander arounds,” one-way downhills, and “catch a few turns” opportunities.
Snow Conditions:  Due to a variety in aspect and elevation, snow condition are variable and diverse; When conditions are good, however, some spots have great snow.        
Elevations:  Low point at Wood's Ranch Parking 8,211 ft. (2503 m), Webster Flat road pull-out 9396 ft. (2864 m), Highpoint at War Lizard Peak 9,596 ft.(2925 m)
Access: Wood's Ranch Parking (SR-14 mp 11-12) is a large parking lot plowed regularly, but it can get crowded on weekends and holidays with young sledders and Boy Scouts. Webster Flat pull-out (SR-14 mp 15) is a fairly large: It is big enough for small trailers and occasionally used by snowmobilers.
Snowmobile use: Light to moderate: They mainly stay on the roads, but sometimes they will mess up some of the open slopes.
Suggested Routes: One of the best ski trips on Cedar Mountain is a one-way downhill from Webster Flat pull-out to Wood's Ranch, with a side trip to Warlizard Peak (about 4.5 miles total), with a 200-foot climb, then a 1385-foot descent. Both ends also allow for some great loops, or out and backs. Park at the Webster Flat pull-out and then ski down the road a short distance (about a couple hundred yards); at the first opportunity traverse the steep bank to right (west), make your way through a few trees into a large open hillside, start climbing trying to stay as close the ridge above SR-14 as possible. Follow the ridge around to  a the saddle above Webster Flat. The snow between the big aspen trees on either side of this saddle lends itself to some nice moderate downhill. Skiing down the south side will take you to Webster Flats. From there you can make you way across the open meadow east to the Webster Flat road and return to the pull-out or continue down the old 4wd road, which drops down to Wood's Ranch. Both ends also allow for some great loops or out and backs.


Do not use the information on these pages as your only  source for planning or travel. Winter recreation in a wild environment can be dangerous, especially in backcountry or off trail situation. 

Wood's Ranch-Webster Flat.jpg
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